Mo's Photo of the Week: The Get Away

There is a moment at every wedding when you realize that the day is almost over. Whether is the first dance of the reception or cake cutting, there is a place in time on that particular wedding day that seems almost dreamy. I can only imagine what it actually feels like for a bride. I mean, after all …you’ve probably spent the last year planning for this amazing day and it’s over before you know it! There is something surreal about seeing the bride and groom exit as husband and wife for the first time. The car is surrounded by screaming friends and parents who have come to grips that their kids are no longer kids. It’s one of those moments where you imagine an invisible tunnel that awaits the bride and groom and officially warps them into adulthood and prepares them for a family of their own. I’ve always wondered why this was such an emotional moment. Parents cry, grooms cry, dads hug goodbye and brides are suddenly hit with the realization that the day is over and tomorrow will be something totally new.