Maestro's Ball 2016: Arden Photography

We're always excited when this time of year comes around.  The Maestro's Ball was held on Friday night and Arden Photography was front and center.  We absolutely love photographing this event because every year  the tent always holds a huge surprise for us.  Sybil Sylvester of Wildflower Designs, definitely outdid herself this year!  The florals were absolutely amazing and thanks to the team at Event Rentals Unlimited, the tent was just as fabulous!  Chris Hastings started the dinner with his famous tomato salad. The Maestro's Ball benefits the Alabama Symphony Orchestra and guests are treated to a concert before the party begins!  This year, there was an after party held at the Alumni House.   Here are a few of my favorite photos from the night!  There were so many great moments and we're already counting down until next year's event!  For more photos, click the link below!