Jenna & Andrew

We are so excited for this weekend! Not only is this beautiful May weekend a time to celebrate mothers, but the wedding of Jenna and Andrew is finally upon us as well. This couple was so enjoyable to work with while shooting their engagement pictures at Windwood Equestrian. Jenna and Andrew spent the shoot strolling around, playfully dancing, and of course attempting to pose their adorable dogs. Although the fluffier duo couldn't be tamed, Jenna and Andrew's photos radiated the beauty they posses both inside and out. We are so delighted to be able to be a part of their special day, and know it will be an absolutely magnificent event! 

Beauty Tips by Arden Ward Upton

It's always about the smiles

During wedding day there is nothing more amazing than looking at a bride's smile, mostly because it is what she's doing all day long. Our brides glow, literally radiate pure joy on their wedding day and it beams out at us through the ear to ear smiles we see throughout the day.

Miss Mississippi, Heather Soriano | Dress: Ivory and White | Hair & MUA: Joshua at Salon U | Styling and flowers: Leah Hazzard

Miss Mississippi, Heather Soriano | Dress: Ivory and White | Hair & MUA: Joshua at Salon U | Styling and flowers: Leah Hazzard

So the beauty tip this week is all about the pearly whites. Having a confident smile starts at your dentists office. As doctor recommended you should get your teeth cleaned every six months, but leading up to wedding day what's wrong with an extra cleaning and teeth whitening. Nothing in my book! I consider it the same as a facial or getting your hair and make-up done. As all girls should know, looking your best on camera starts with planning a routine ahead of time.


Miss Alabama 2010 Audrey Moore, all smiles on her wedding day! Dress: Carriage House | Flowers: Hot House | Designer: Christopher Confero

Miss Alabama 2010 Audrey Moore, all smiles on her wedding day! Dress: Carriage House | Flowers: Hot House | Designer: Christopher Confero

Wedding Beauty Tip by Arden Ward Upton

Nail Polish

Not many people think about how important nail polish is on your wedding day but it is a key element in showing your style and looking "polished" so to speak because your hands and feet will be photographed throughout the day repeatedly. 

Photo courtesy

Photo courtesy

One tip I would recommend which I learned the hard way on my wedding day is to test the color ahead of time. Also, I would highly recommend you purchasing your own color so that if chips occur over the long weekend you have a quick fix without more time spent at the salon.


Do I love you because you’re beautiful,
Or are you beautiful because I love you?
— Oscar Hammerstein II, Cinderella
Photo courtesy

Photo courtesy

I personally like softer colored nail polish because then the wedding band and engagement ring really shine and you want everyone looking at your rings and not an overpowering polish.